Becky Davidson Homes

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Home Prices Have Finally Hit A Wall On The West Coast

By Jeff Andrews  Oct 16, 2018, 3:30pm EDT Slow sales and supply spikes indicate that homebuyers are regaining the upper hand Home sellers have had it easy[…]

Real Estate 2018: What to Expect

Real Estate 2018: What to Expect  As we head into a new year, the most common question I receive is, “What’s the outlook for real[…]

The South Bay August 2017 Market Update

Watch this short Market Intelligence video and see what’s going on in your neighborhood. Your home may be worth more than you think! Call me[…]

What’s Great About Your Neighborhood?

When potential buyers view your home, they are just as interested in the surrounding area as they are in the property itself. So, before listing[…]

The Problem With “Stuff”

The late comedian George Carlin used to have a routine called, “A place for my stuff.” He was referring to the idea that, besides being[…]

What’s Memorable About Your Home?

Chances are, there is a characteristic of your property that everyone remembers, appreciates, and maybe even envies. It could be a spacious kitchen with an[…]

“Facelifts” that Boost Resale Value

If you plan on putting your home on the market, you obviously want it to look as attractive as possible to potential buyers. Improving the[…]

Real Estate and the Price of Apples

Consider this scenario. Say you’re at your local supermarket and notice that apples are on sale for $3.95 each. If you’ve ever purchased apples before,[…]

Using the Internet to Shop for a New Home

There’s more information on the Internet than in the entire collection of the U.S. Library of Congress. (And that’s the largest library in the world!)[…]